Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Now that I have some time to spare...

I thought I'd update on the happenings of the past month or two.

First off, my job at Toys Я Us was great, though sadly it is over as I was only a temporary seasonal hire. I'll probably start job hunting again soon, but until then I've come up with a great idea to start make some money on the side.

Which brings me to my second update. I've decided to get into making/designing my own jewelry that I'll be selling. Once I get a few pieces done and ready to sell, I'll post a link to the site I'll be selling off of. I'll keep you updated as things go on.

Third item of interest: the holidays were great, but the best gift of all was finally getting DSL internet. Oh the joys of having high speed. With DSL I have also been able to get on Xbox Live and have had a blast with that.

Life seems to be going so well, but at the same time, its been a bummer. As 2009 came to a close, I lost 4 friends I thought were close friends. I guess I was wrong. But its a new year. I expect and hope for great things, new adventures and many new acquaintances this year.