Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What it's like to feel real...

Sometimes I forget what it's like to feel human. I sometimes feel like I don't even exist. I just want to feel real again.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Solomon Kane (2009) Review

Based on the character created by Robert E. Howard (creator of the character Conan), Solomon Kane is a sort of origin story for the main character. After learning his soul belongs to the devil, he renounces violence and becomes a man of peace. But when a family who take him under their wing is attacked, and their daughter taken, he must fight to save her life, his soul and to free the land from a growing evil.
Although violent, the movie is not overly gory which makes it enjoyable for a larger audience.
Over all I found the movie to be rather enjoyable and although not amazing nor award winning, it was a good movie to just sit down and watch. The special effects were not as cheap looking as I originally though they might be and the action was just right, not overdone.
I will admit I started watching it with low expectations. A movie that was supposed to be released and has been with the potential of being a straight to DVD release always gives me pause. But this outdid my expectations and had me hooked til the end.
The cast of it I thought was brilliant with James Purefoy (Resident Evil, A Knight's Tale) taking the title role and Rachel Hurd-Wood (Perfume: the Story of a Murderer, Peter Pan) playing the ethereal Meridith, the girl Solomon is bound by oath to save. All the actors did an amazing job and played their roles convincingly.
I can only hope that possibly Solomon Kane will see at least a limited theatrical release in the US.