Sunday, May 23, 2010

Solomon Kane (2009) Review

Based on the character created by Robert E. Howard (creator of the character Conan), Solomon Kane is a sort of origin story for the main character. After learning his soul belongs to the devil, he renounces violence and becomes a man of peace. But when a family who take him under their wing is attacked, and their daughter taken, he must fight to save her life, his soul and to free the land from a growing evil.
Although violent, the movie is not overly gory which makes it enjoyable for a larger audience.
Over all I found the movie to be rather enjoyable and although not amazing nor award winning, it was a good movie to just sit down and watch. The special effects were not as cheap looking as I originally though they might be and the action was just right, not overdone.
I will admit I started watching it with low expectations. A movie that was supposed to be released and has been with the potential of being a straight to DVD release always gives me pause. But this outdid my expectations and had me hooked til the end.
The cast of it I thought was brilliant with James Purefoy (Resident Evil, A Knight's Tale) taking the title role and Rachel Hurd-Wood (Perfume: the Story of a Murderer, Peter Pan) playing the ethereal Meridith, the girl Solomon is bound by oath to save. All the actors did an amazing job and played their roles convincingly.
I can only hope that possibly Solomon Kane will see at least a limited theatrical release in the US.

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