Tuesday, March 30, 2010

It Takes Two

It takes two people to keep a friendship alive. When one stops and leaves the other to do all the work, that one person who wanted to keep the friendship alive must eventually let go and move on. That alone is one of the hardest things a person can do. I would know. I'm in the process of finding it within myself to just let go of a person I thought was going to be a close friend for a long time. And it really seemed that way too, until her boyfriend entered the picture. Ever since she started dating him, he's the only person she spends her free time with. I've tried to invite her to hang out, but every time she's busy with some excuse. If this were over the course of a month, I could see it as being understandable, but when it's over the course of 6 months, there really isn't any excuse. I know people who are way more busy but still find time to show me they care about my existence. And honestly, I just need to let go and say enough is enough. If she wants to be friends than she can prove it instead of making me do all the work.

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