Thursday, March 25, 2010

My muse is dead.

I wonder why I do this to myself.
I stare at other peoples works of art and find myself losing faith in my own. My work is no where near as good as others and I fear that no one will like it. This is usually the case as my art goes unnoticed when I publish it on deviantART.
After some time I find that my muse had slowed withered away until he is dead. Then I find myself unable to do anything good.
But then I feel bad because unlike some of the better artists, I'm not talented, I don't have a good camera, nor do I have a tablet to allow for digital drawing.
In the end I feel like shit and want to burn my art.
The only people who ever really show appreciation for it is my parents.
Maybe I'm not meant to do this art shit.

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