Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Clash of the Titans (2010) Review.

After watching a decent bootleg of the new Clash of the Titans, I'm pretty glad that I didn't waste $10 to see it in theaters. As a huge fan of the original 1981 version, I found this one to be very disappointing. Too much of the story was changed and some of the changes had no real reason to be made.
My biggest beef had to be the removal of a key beloved despite quirky character: Bubo the mechanical owl. The story wasn't the same with his mechanical babbling. Another annoying change was instead of being white Pegasus was black, and his role was cut down to be very minimal. The whole romance between Perseus and Andromeda was complete cut as well.
The only cool things were the scorpion riding Djinn, Medusa looking bad ass and sexy at the same time, Liam Neeson as a very shiny Zeus, and the Kraken.
Overall I felt like it was a waste of time. If you've never seen the original then it's probably easier to like, but die hard fans of the original should avoid this. I remember when I first heard about the remake they said it was going to be an homage to the original. It was anything but that. Instead it was taking a beloved classic and modernizing it into a flashy, special effects driven, action flick.

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