Friday, April 16, 2010

The Poughkeepsie Tapes (unreleased) Review.

In the 1990's a serial killer terrorized
an upstate New York town.
Some murderers leave clues.
Some leave warnings.
This one left...
The Poughkeepsie Tapes

And that is how the advertising poster lures you in. But for me it was the trailer I saw years ago before the films original release date in 2007/2008. But since then the movie has been put into an indefinitely postponed state with no real reason why. But due to the fortune that is bootlegging I managed to get myself a copy and watched it.
It's pretty much a "documentary" about a serial killer who left behind over 800 video tapes containing videos of him kidnapping, torturing and killing people. Between interviews and segments from the killer's tapes, the movie gives you a grim and brutal look into a (fictitious) horrible, brutal and grim crime spree that lasts over 8 years.
Despite some bad reviews, I've found quite a few good ones. This lead me to have hope the movie was good and I will say I agree. It was a good movie. It wasn't overly scary, but it was a thriller and did leave you with a horrible gut feeling at times. Many of the scenes were disturbing and just plain fucked up. This movie is not for the faint of heart, nor is it for anyone who gets easily disturbed.
One note that did leave me a little annoyed was the baffling fact that (in the version I watched) the creators clung to the whole "real" factor a little too much as the movie ends with an in memory of victims list and the credits has a featured list instead of giving a cast. Nor was the "This movie is a work of fiction" line anywhere in the credits. This could potentially lead to people believe the events portrayed in the movie to be real when they aren't.
With a Blair Witch/District 9 documentary feel, I would say this movie deserves a theatrical release. It at least deserves to be released on DVD instead of being swept under the carpet to be long forgotten.

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