Saturday, November 28, 2009

Pseudologia Fantastica

Pseudologia fantastica [pseudologia fan·tas·ti·ca (fān-tās'tĭ-kə)], mythomania, or pathological lying, is one of several terms applied by psychiatrists to the behavior of habitual or compulsive lying. It was first described in the medical literature in 1891 by Anton Delbrueck. Although it is a controversial topic, one definition of pathological lying is the following: "Pathological lying is falsification entirely disproportionate to any discernible end in view, may be extensive and very complicated, and may manifest over a period of years or even a lifetime."

I lie… a lot. I lie about just about anything and sometimes everything. There are some people I don’t lie to but there are some I do. I lie to people to make them like me more. I lie to people to keep them from leaving me. I lie to people to get them to notice me when I’m always invisible. I lie for the fun of it. I lie because I like it. I lie because I hate it. I lie. I just fucking lie.

I’m only now starting to wonder if I’m starting to lose control.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Friday Bloody Friday

So here I am at last on the eve of Black Friday and my second day of work at the ever amazing Toys Я Us. The store opens at midnight and sales have been spread out all week through the weekend so I'm hoping it isn't too bad. At least not as bad as the horror stories from years before about this day (like parking space fights at 6 in the morning). After my shift though I do plan to do a little shopping of my own, hopefully snagging some Twilight jewlery. Specifically I'm gonna try and get Bella's Cullen Crest Ring (odd since she didnt get it in New Moon... but it's still pretty) and the Volturi crest necklace. I might even swing by Hot Topic afterwards to see what kind of deal I can get there.
Overall I'd say tomorrow shall be an interesting day. And sometimes this weekend I may reveal a hint at what I'm planning for the Avatar midnight showing.

Monday, November 23, 2009

A Twilight Tea Party

The other day I hosted a tea party inspired by Twilight in honor of New Moon being released in theaters. I must say it was a succsess overall. The party favors came out amazing. The cobbler and red velvet cake I slaved away cooking came out heavenly. It couldn't have gone better. Well we could have kept to the plan of watching Twilight on BluRay but we played Rock Band instead (I caved in to peer pressure). Based on the success of this party/event, I'm consider starting my own amateur event planning business. I'm also definelty considering having another Twilight inspired party (perhaps when New Moon comes out on DVD/BluRay?). But for now my next aprty will not be Twilight themed. I'm considering either District 9 (dvd release) or James Cameron's Avatar (theatrical release). We'll have to wait and see how things go. For now I'm gonna catch up on sleep.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Meet me on the Equinox

So much to say, I don't know where to begin!
Well let's just start with Twilight/New Moon. I went to see both yesterday (the theater I went to showed Twilight before the midnight of New Moon) and boy was it a mad house! I've never seen the theater so packed in my life! Luckily I had gone to see Twilight (not that many people went) so I was able to get good seats. Needless to say New Moon was amazing!
In honor of New Moon coming out, I am throwing a Twilight themed party at my house tomorrow. So, this past week ahs been a bit crazy with me getting everything ready. Today I made the red velvet cake (which will be iced with a cream cheese frosting tomorrow) and I also put together the party favors (which turned out perfect). Tomorrow morning will be crazy with me finishing up, decorating and throwing together some last minute touches. So wish me luck with that!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Things I Learned from Tomb Raider

~ Dinosaurs are NOT extinct

~ Atlantis did exist

~ Every tomb or temple contains ingenious puzzles to get from room to room

~ Even in a cocktail dress you can still kick ass

~ It is possible to come back from the dead

~ Truly dedicated butlers will in fact follow you from room to room, even into the freezer

~ It's okay to shoot tigers, bears, wolfs, and any other animal you may encounter in your travels

~ When using handguns, ammo is infinite

~ You can hold onto a ledge forever

~ A million things can fit into a small backpack

~ Nephilim want to take over the world

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

If I could get up in the morning...

So as you can see I've managed to give my blog and awesome new title and new look. And yes, I know it's all inspired by the best show you've never seen: Birds of Prey. However the title is something that's true for me: I'd start a revolution if I could get up in the morning. Key word there is if. As much as I love the early morning, I'm not a morning person without my caffiene fix.
What is Birds of Prey? Birds of Prey was the short lived (13 episodes in total) TV series loosely based on the comic series of the same name. The show is about Helena Kyle, the Daughter os Selena Kyle/Catwoman and Bruce Wayne/Batman (yes, shocking they had a kid) who is grown up and doing some vigilante crime fighting herself as Huntress. Joining her is a now paraplegic Barbera Gorden/Oracle and Dinah, the daughter of Black Canary.
It's one of those series I totally loved when it was on adn still love it after getting it on DVD. If you're ever given the chance to see it, I'd say do so. It's great and gets better with each episode.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


If you’re reading this than that means you’ve stumbled across my blog. Don’t you feel special? I’m sure you do. However special you may feel, I’m gonna rain on your special parade by letting you know that my lovely blog here is going under the knife. I’m going to rework the title and the layout/look & feel and manage a few other things. But do feel free to follow my blog if you want to hear about future exploits, upcoming events in the movie or video game scene and other random mish mash.

<3 Emmy