Friday, November 20, 2009

Meet me on the Equinox

So much to say, I don't know where to begin!
Well let's just start with Twilight/New Moon. I went to see both yesterday (the theater I went to showed Twilight before the midnight of New Moon) and boy was it a mad house! I've never seen the theater so packed in my life! Luckily I had gone to see Twilight (not that many people went) so I was able to get good seats. Needless to say New Moon was amazing!
In honor of New Moon coming out, I am throwing a Twilight themed party at my house tomorrow. So, this past week ahs been a bit crazy with me getting everything ready. Today I made the red velvet cake (which will be iced with a cream cheese frosting tomorrow) and I also put together the party favors (which turned out perfect). Tomorrow morning will be crazy with me finishing up, decorating and throwing together some last minute touches. So wish me luck with that!

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